Compost More, Improve Productivity and Increase Profits.
Komptech Topturn Windrow Turners deliver consistent performance and optimum windrow pile sizing for any compost operation.

The Topturn X Series windrow turners can efficiently create the optimum windrow shape to allow for the best porosity, reducing odors and composting times. Maximize the amount of material that can be composted in a minimum amount of space by overlapping the windrows.
Topturn X4500 Compost Windrow Turner

The Topturn X4500 is a robust windrow turner perfect for small and medium-sized composting operations.
CAT C7.1 Tier 4 Final / 275 HP
Transport Dimensions
Track – 16’2″ x 8’4″ x 10’10” (4.9 x 2.5 x 3.2 m)
Weight: 33,000 lbs (Track)
Performance (dependent on material)
Maximum Windrow Width: 14’9″ (4.5 m)
Maximum Windrow Height: 7’3″ (2.2 m)
Maximum Throughput: up to 3,900 yd3/hr (3,000 m3/hr)
Topturn X5000 Compost Windrow Turner

The Topturn X5000 delivers consistent performance and optimal windrow pile sizing for any composting operation.
CAT C9 Tier 4 Final / 330 HP
Transport Dimensions:
17’11” x 8’4″ x 10’8″ (5.4 x 2.5 x 3.2 m)
Weight: 36,000 lbs
Performance (dependent on material)
Maximum Windrow Width: 16’5″ (5 m)
Maximum Windrow Height: 7’3″ (2.2 m)
Maximum Throughput: up to 5,200 yd3/hr
Topturn X63 Compost Windrow Turner

The Topturn X63 is a windrow turner designed to handle sites with higher throughput demands.
CAT C13 Tier 4 Final/ 390 HP
Transport Dimensions:
20’2″ x 8’4″ x 11’10” (6.1 x 2.5 x 3.6 m)
Weight: ~ 40,000 lbs
Performance (dependent on material)
Maximum Windrow Width: 18’8″ (5.7 m)
Maximum Windrow Height: 8’6″ (2.6 m)
Maximum Throughput: up to 5,800 yd3/hr

Infuse water into the center of the windrow while turning.

The hydraulically extendable maintenance platforms make for fast and easy maintenance.

Large diameter turning drum engineered specifically to create the perfect windrow shape.
Download The Komptech Windrow Turner Comparison Guide.
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Our goal is to help you accomplish more by delivering the most reliable waste, recycling, and biomass processing technology, equipment, and expertise available in the marketplace.